Here follows a few tips on how to level up a character from scratch. The best way is always to be boosted by a friend while playing at high Torment levels. But if you don't have such an option, you can find useful these suggestions. Most of the following ideas are based on the fact you already have a well enstabilished lvl 70 character:
1) Play at the higher difficulty you can. You must be able to kill mobs quickly enough, so use your judgment for this. If you're able to kill a Fallen One in 1-3 hits, for example, the difficulty is good. Remember that quantity is more important than quality: the more, the best. Remember that quests give more experience if completed at higher difficulty levels, so increase it just before completing one.
2) Items can have sockets starting from level 15. This means you can craft or search for socketed weapons and put into them an high level Ruby, in order to build a weapon with an incredible DPS for your level. This advantage will slowly lose effectiveness as you level up, even if you keep your weapon updated, as the benefits of the gem will slowly decrease. Ruby is quite good on helm, too, as it gives you a nice boost in experience gain. It can be worth to have both chest and legs socketed with Amethyst, too, in order to boost survivability and allow you to play more relaxed at higher Torment levels.
3) Rush levels, avoid single monsters and instead try to kill big groups. The bonus experience from massacre (kill streak) is incredibly useful, trust me. Because of this, try to use a character build that focus on Area Of Effect (AoE) damage and movement speed, changing it to a single target one for specific boss fights (like The Butcher). Why rush to the game's end? Because bounties are probably the best way to level up quickly, so the faster you unlock adventure mode, the faster you can do them.
4) If you like to farm mobs, repeatedly do Act III most dense levels, like The Keep Depths, or Ruins of Corvus in Act V. In these levels you can easily build big chains that awards with huge amount of experience even at T1-T2.
I admit it. Buying Diablo 3 for my PS4 has been the best and worst idea ever. I'm enjoying this game version like hell, thanks to all the commodities the console offers (joypad, sofa), but this is draining me away from many other activities. I'm neglecting reading and other games a bit too much: for example, I buyed Destiny's collector's edition, but I still have to put the disc into my PS4, as Diablo 3 is always running on it!
My main is the Wizard, even if he is not among the the actual best classes, measured in "farm speed". I'm slowly levelling up all the six classes, both to equip them and for the Dream Team trophy, as I'll platinate this game for sure!
A game with 2 Witch Doctors and 2 Demon Hunters,
all pets based! (Part 1)
I play alot both in solo and multiplayer, even if the latter game mode is a bit ruined by a clunky matchmaking system and the great amount of modded (cheated) items you can find at higher difficulties.
I really appreciate the easiness the PS4 offers in recording videos and screenshots, as I can quickly do some of them about my gaming experence: this is something always intrigued me.
The three attached screenshots are just some among the ones I take while adventuring on Sanctuary. The first is about a 412 kills chain, the best I ever did. That was a 4x Witch Doctor game, full of nasty dps, and in a particularly dense Rift. The other two are taken in a 4 player multiplayer match where the team was composed by 2 Demon Hunters and 2 Witch Doctors, all using a pet-based build: the screenshots don't give the right idea about how messy that game was, even more because of the amount of enemy mobs!
(Part 2)
As always, if you want to reach me there, add my PSN ID to your friendlist: LoneTear77. At least we will take advantage of the gift and nemesis system of this version!
I've recorded a quick tutorial for fast exp farming while soloing in Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition. The video is in Italian language, as I'm too slacky to speak my ugly english for such a long time. Because of this, I've created the present post as a translation and english guide to the video.
To gain a nice amount of experience while playing alone, one of the best way is to do bounties. There are 2 specific bounties that are particularly rewarding and fast to complete.
This is how this method works, step by step:
1) Change settings to ACT III, difficulty to T6*.
2) Join a private game.
3) Press "down" on the pad (bring up the map), hit R1 once, move the cursor to The Battlefields with the analogic joystick. Check if one of Clear Cryder's Outpost or Clear The Forward Barracks (avoid the ones about clearing 2nd levels) is available at the location. If yes, go to 4), if not, go to 5) .
4) Teleport to The Battlefields and complete the quest. Cryder's Outpost is always in the middle of the map, while The Forward Barracks can be to the east or to the west side of the map. Both bounties are about clearing a 1st-level-only dungeons, so they're pretty quick.
5) Leave game and repeat by going back to 2) .
*: you can do the "run" at the difficulty you prefer; T6 just gives you the best exp and cash reward you can hope for.
Each of the two bounties, if done at T6, award around 42 millions exp (52 millions if you have a Pool of Reflection active) . You can even do the bounty at T5, so you can kill the mobs faster, and raise the difficulty to T6 just before killing the last mob, in order to get the better exp reward. Each of the two mini-dungeons home an elite/unique group of mobs, anc you can often find a Treasure Goblin, too (which you must kill or let escape, to complete the bounty).
A T6 run with an end level equipment take around 4 minutes, so this is quite a good way to level up.
Both the bounties where part of the original Alkayzer Run 2.0, but I find somehow quicker (and perhaps boring) to farm just these two bounties. On the PC version, the exp amount has been fixed and reduced accordly to the time needed to clear the quests, so probably it will be changed on the PS4, too, but at present patch (which should be 2.0.6), you can still abuse it.
Because of the way PS3 and PS4 make savegames, the Diablo 3 console version can easily be exploited.
To some degree, all the stuff described here can be considered cheating.
Personally I consider true cheating when you employ external programs (like "trainers") to easy your game (invincibility mode, infinite gold, one-shot-kill mode etc. etc), or when you (or someone other) modify game data to gain advantage (like changing a savegame by altering it's code).
Exploiting is more about abusing a game's programming and architectural "faults": you don't touch the code in any way; you don't modify anything, you don't use external aid to change the original purpose of the programmation. You just slip through the "holes" left in the system in order to obtain a little or strong advantage.
That said, I'm totally ok with exploitation ("Hey, developers, you left that available, so I'll use it until you'll fix it!"), even if I'm against cheating ("Using that SuperUltraUberUniversalModdedInvincibility Sword is just plain sh*t!").
So, it's just up to you to decide what to do with the following informations: use them, ignore them, deprecate them, I just don't bother. ;)
Anyway, what's all of this about? All the stuff relates to the fact that PS3 and PS4 don't save every thing you do inside Diablo (where PC does): the savegame is written once you create a new game, when you exit that game through the appropriate menĂ¹ option, and again every few minutes or when some special events occurs (mainly checkpoints). If you close Diablo by selecting the "Close game/Close application" option available when pressing the "PS" button on the joypad, you'll exit the game without giving it the time to save (this way to exit Diablo will be grom now addressetd to as "kill/killing diablo 3"). Such a thing can be abused at our advantage in a number of different ways.
So, what can you actually do?
- Duplicate item/gold
This is also called dupe/duping and is about creating a copy of gold or any item in the game.
There are mainly two ways to do this.
The simpler is to send items or gold to a friend through the mailbox, closing Diablo 3 before it saves as explained above. This is very viable, but you must be warned that you should send only few items at once, or you'll risk that Diablo will naturally save the game when your items are sent, making the modifications permanent. You can even use this method alone, on the same console, using two different accounts and sending stuff between them, logging through them. This can be a bit slow if you don't have 2 joypads, but is still quite useful to duplicate craft materials, gems, gold, and Horadric Caches. Here are the detailed steps:
1. Go to the mailbox and click on it.
2. Select the person you're sending the duplicate stuff (items or gold).
3. Select the items and/or the gold you want to send.
4. Send it and a message will ask you if you want to do that. Click ok.
5. A message saying the item has been sent will appear.
6. Kill Diablo 3.
If you have two joypads available, you can duplicate stuff much more quickly, by following these steps:
1. Log in Account A with Joypad A and start a game.
2. Log in Account B with Joypad B, choose any character and join the game.
3. Account A drops the item you want to duplicate.
4. Account B picks it up and exit the game with the appropriate menĂ¹ option, saving the game.
5. Account B enter the game again with the previously used character, which should be in possession of the item Account A dropped. Account B now drop that item, then leave the game by long-pressing the PS button and logging out from PS4. This way the original item will be on the ground and Account A can gather it. Rinse and repeat for fast dupe.
This is very simple: Just spend your Blood Shards at Kadala's "shop", but leave the game with the PS-button method if you don't get the item you're searching for. This way you'll restart with all your Blood Shards intact. You can even mix this with the dupe method, by sending to another account the interesting items you get from Kadala before killing Diablo 3 to reset everything.
In the PS3/PS4 version of the game, an Horadric Cash content is rolled upon opening it, not when it's received. The level is set when you get it from Tyrael, but the class isn't. Beacuse of this you can even farm them with, for example, a Crusader and obtain Intellicenge-based items if you open them with a Witch Doctor. Pairing this with the dupe method can allow you to easily find all the special Horadric Cashes rewards (starting with the pretty useful Ring of Royal Grandeur).
In a way much similar to the Blood Shards abuse, you simply try some crafting/enchanting and, if you're not satisfied with the results, you can just kill Diablo 3 to retain all the material used in the procedure. All the enchanting modifications will be lost, as will be any item you crafted, but you can easily try again without wasting tons of money and materials.
- Experience trick
An additional trick you can use is what I call the Difficulty Change Trick (what a mystical and evocative name eh? I know, I know, got a great inspiration here, for it!). While adventuring in Sanctuary, you can always change the game difficulty by 1 step harder or easier (even more, under some circumstances), switching, for example, from T5 to T6 in a couple of seconds. To do this, just bring up the in-game menĂ¹, select Change Difficulty and adjust it. Do this just before completing a "quest" (finishing a bounty, talking to Orek after a rift, talking to Tyrael after completing the 5 bounties of an act etc. etc.), increasing the difficulty to the higher step you can reach, to gain some additional experience. Return to previous difficulty once done, or just leave game and restart it at a different difficulty level. Simple, clean and helpful.
As you can see, some abuses are less game breaking than others. Duping stuff can easily be seen as heavy cheating, while blood shards and crafting/enchanting exploits are just ways to easy your life a bit. Still, you should use them based on your judgment and at your own risk. I just provide informations and I'm not in any way responsable on how you use them ;).
Attached picture does not mean anything for the most, but for me it's a little big satisfaction. After a lifetime as RPGs lover, a passion now standbyed because I'm unable to find a group with which I am comfortable, I was able to tie my name to a commercial work belonging to this world.
It is a small book, more an introduction to a wider world, but still I was part of his birth and growth, something that makes me proud and satisfied, although there will probably not a continuation on thise field, as it can keep you very busy: translate decently from English to a good Italian it's not easy at all!!.
The project concern the FATE role playing game, and in particular the "Accelerated" version, which allows you to quickly approach the complete game with simplicity.
FATE is more a "game creation system" than a classical RPG, as it allows the game master and the players to shape they'r own game experience by detailing both the characters and the world as they like more, and with the participation of everyone.
The standard Blessed Shieldbuild is much different from the one I use. I love both the Cooldown Reduction mechanics and the Blessed Shield skill, so I decided to make my own build, more focused on these two aspects than the classic one, which completely abuse Blessed Shield. Additionally,
What I like very much about my build is that it's heavily based on craftable stuff. You still need one or two very random item(s) (weapon and shield), but all other parts can be crafted or gained with focused farming.
The build allows for a fast farming up to T5 (full tested on rifts and the famous Alkayzer Run 2.0). I gave some tries on T6, but I actually miss survivability. It's doable, but death is pretty common. I'm sure that more paragon levels and the Unity "trick" (see "Ring 2", below) will surely fix this!.
The equip is aimed to heavily boost "classic" damage output (atkSpd, crit% and critDmg), because the build deals a mix of holy and physical damage. Additionally, this equipment setup focus on building an high amount of cooldown reduction, in order to abuse the various CD-based skill you'll emply.
General tips: Aim for a life amount over 450k+ as soon as possible, and keep all of your resistances over 850. Armor is very important too, but a high amount of this stat should came naturally to you, as a Strength based character: resist all is better than armor bonus, on items, at least until you're under 900 on resistances. Try to keep a 1:10 aspect ratio between crit% and critDmg (40% crit and 400% crit dmg, for example). AtkSpd is very useful for this build, as you're not going to depend on resources, so every point of atkSpd is just sheer dps gain. As always, in all stats, the highest the better ;) .
Weapon: Gyrfalcon's Foote: this weapon is mandatory for the build. Without it you can't abuse Blessed Shield. You should aim for Str, dmg% and socket (with Emerald). If you're able to put atkSpd into it that's good.
Off-Hand: Jekangbord: This shield is not mandatory, but it makes the build much more effective, so you should get one. Str, and crit% are mandatory. A high parry% is quite useful (and increases damage), and Vit, resAll, and 6 ricochets all helps.
Helm: Aughild's Spike; On this, you want at least Str, crit% and socket. It always come with resAll, which is good if you need survivability. If you don't need it, just throw in Blessed Shield dmg% increase!
Necklace: Any heavy dps necklace is fine. Your best choice is Str, critDmg, atkSpd and crit%. CdReduction and holyDmg are also good choices.
Gloves: Cain's Scriviner; Str, atkSpd, critDmg and crit% (in this order).
Bracers: Aughild's Search; Str, crit%, holyDmg% are mandatory. Vit or resAll based on what you need more as additional stat. You can go Str, Vit, crit% and resAll if you prefer more survivability.
Ring 1: Ring of Royal Grandeur; The best you can get here is Str, atkSpd, critDmg and crit% (in this order of importance). Take the best you can. The item usually comes with atkSpd and Str, and you need it for it's special quality.
Ring 2: Any good ring will be fine. Try to use this slot to balance what you're missing most. The build gives high survivability for it's game style (ranged with very high mobility), so you should probably focus on damage. As always Str, atkSpd, critDmg, cdReduction and crit% (in this order) are among the best choices. Stone of Jordan is always a solid option, even if this build can live without an high amount oh holyDmg% (but the eliteDmg% is good). Unity is the best choice for high Torment, one for you and one for your follower equipped with the Immortality Focus/Token/Relic: this will make you almost undying.
Gems: socket everything with Rubies, unless you need more life or resistance, but put your best Diamond on Helm.
Paragon Levels
Core: Cap Movement Speed, all other in Strength.
Offense: Cap atkSpd, critDmg and cdReduction in this order. Perhaps you need crit% more than other stats, but this depends on your equip. is a good tool to find out your true Cooldown Reduction and decide the way to go.
Defense: cap Resist All, then Life% and Armor, based on your needs.
Utility: Area Damage must be capped first, then Life on Hit. You can reverse this, if you see you need healing power.
Phalanx - Bowmen: I always felt my build suffered from low single-target damage. This skill completely balance the issue. Thanks to the high Cooldown Reduction, you can throw out the four archers quite often, and they kick ass hard. At my equip level, they attack very fast, with a typical critical hit around 2M damage.
Steed Charge - Endurance: Life saver and farm speeder. As for Phalanx, this ability benefits like hell from Cooldown Reduction, allowing you to summon the horse almost every time you need it. This often save you from dire situations and speed up the farming process a lot, especially while doing bounties.
A simple demonstrative video
Shield Glare - Divine Verdict: With the high cooldown reduction of this build, you can almost spam this skill whenever you want. This means great degree of crowd control (versus common thrash, you can keep them blinded almost forever, if you want!) and a good bost in damage, especially to the Phalanx's one, as you don't use Lord Commander.
Laws of Valor - Critical: Increase atkSpd is quite good for this build, and the ungly boost in critDmg given by activation can literally melt enemies. Throw out the Law, Phalanx and Champion and you'll have 5 seconds of pure power. Cooldown reduction boost the benefiets of using this skill alot.
Akarat's Champion - Prophet: Kaio-ken button. You became almost invicible for enough time to destroy everything on your path or just put yourself in a safer position. Cooldown reduction make it very viable even without the Akkhan set.
Passive Skills: Fervor and Finery are a must, as they better the overall build'd performances alot. Additionally, Towering Shield is a must as it boost both Blessed Shield and Shield Glare. Finally, Holy Cause is just the perfect completion, adding both dps and survivability to the build.
Additional Considerations
I often change things and try other stuff, out of boredom or because I'm not completely satisfied buy the build. Heaven's Fury is a skill like alot, even if it never satisfy me, as this build lacks the amount of holyDamage needed to use it with efficiency. Sometimes I switch Shield Glare - Divine Verdict with Bombardment - Annihilate or Bombardment - Targeted, a skill I really like, even if I always feel like it has a way too long cooldown for what it does, even with Lord Commander replacing Towering Shield (or Holy Cause) and high cooldown reduction.
As an additional note, as this build isn't completely focused on Holy damage (especially when you use Bombardmentover Heaven's Fury), we can assume it can benefits from the +min/max damage affix. Still, I'm not that much into maths to be able to say how much, when and if it's best than +holyDmg, but having it on necklace, and rings can give a nice overall damage boost, increasing Phalanxdamage alot, especially if your cooldown reduction is high enough to spam it often!
Anyway, as you can image, this can be considered an entry build, until you can put your hands on the stuff you miss to reach what is considered the "optimal" Blessed Shield build. Still I think the cooldown reduction focus can offer an interesting, different and fun approach, without losing much effectiveness. As always, just try to find the way to play you like must, as the most important thing is to have fun while clearing Sanctuary from the sh*i!
I'm making my way to this game Platinum trophy. I just want to share a quick method I used to do the Walking Bank and Businessman trophies, even if you probably already figured it out by yourself.
The method is plain simple: the Bandit chapter is the only one where you have access to both a vendor and a good number of opponents. The full level homes around 30 human enemies, mainly equipped with personalized Lolife, Duplet and Ashot.
These weapons are worth around 25-65 military rounds each. Because of this, even in the worst scenario, you should be easily able to reach the 1000 military rounds amount needed for Walking Bank by just gathering the dropped weapons and running back to the vendor to sell them.
Remember you can't sell all your weapons (Artyom will always keep at least one with him), so this can take a while, but it's neverthless the quickest way to complete the trophy.
The Businessman trophy comes by itself just after completing the previous one: the best way to do it is to quickly buy and resell Throwing Knives at the above mentioned vendor. At a minimum cost and in no time, you'll also get this trophy.
I just received the printed version of the FATE STAR WARS book, translated in Italian language by MAMMUT RPG . Both the translation and the final physical result are quite satisfying.
When I want to print a book from PDF (or another digital format) to paper, I use YouCanPrint services .
You can build an estimate directly from the website, and the final costs are always quite good, if you print in Black&White. For most of the books I printed so far, the shipping costs have always been higher than the book itself, because YouCanPrinte uses SDA Courier instead of taking advantage of the lower costs Itialian Post Office can offer for books delivery.
Preparation times aren't incredibly fast, because they prepare a draft of the final product you need to approve before they proceed with print and delivery. All of this took around 3 weeks, if you answer quickly to their mails.
They publish your books, too, as eBook or paper: the one YOU write, I mean :), taking charge of everything is legally needed.
I'm quite satisfied by this print-on-demand service, and I strongly reccomend it to anyone who needs somthing similar.
If you are the lucky owner of a Nexus 5 smartphone like me, you are perhaps using a Spigen Nexus 5 Hybrid cover. The feature I like most of this cover (which is overall quite good, even if a bit big in size, vote 7/8) is the possibility to put an image as a cover for the back side of your phone. You just have to find a suitable one, use a template to "build" it in the right way, print it out and cut it.
I've played quite alot with this, creating some very ugly covers, but today I camed out with a couple of good ones (I think, at least), mostly thanks to the beautiful arts by Ale Giorgini. My favorite is the one on the right, which is Star Wars themed, but the others are cool, too.
I'm going to share them with you all, along with the template to build your own, as you can see by the picture attached to this post. To gain the printable versions, just right-click on the picture you want to download and choose "Save Picture as...", or whichever option your browser uses for this purpose.
I suggest to print these pictures on some kind of photo paper, which is more solid and resistant than common paper. You cna easily use a scissor to cut out the longest edges, but you should switch to a cutter when taking care of the camera hole, which don't need to be perfect, as the edges are somehow hidden by the cover borders themself.
Meh, I just noticed I haven't made any post on the two new guys who share my home! I adopted them from Arzignano's shelter, around 3 months ago, which is a long time without putting something about them on my blog :) !
Povia is the biggest of the two. I'm so sorry it was given such a nasty name in the shelter, but that's it, he is used to it, so I kept it, even if he is Anakin for me (you know, black, missing a limb, somehow self centered and possessive/protective). He is a beautiful belgian shepherd who was hit by a car during his life on the road, and had his left front leg amputee. Neverthless he still is a force of nature: he runs like a bullet, fast like the wind and jump without a problem to great heights; sure, he become tired and winded quickly, but the athletic prowess he shows, even with the handicap, always leav me breathless. He search cuddle and contact alot, and always try to keep attention on him, especially when you try to give it to the other dogs. It's a pity my other two furred babies are a bit scared from his size compared to their, while playing, so Povia is often left a bit aside during games, and he suffer for this, even if I play with him. When he jumps on you, giving his only frontal leg to attract attention, or just sit doing the same, he is absolutely irresistible :)
Cedric is much smaller. Smaller than Ennoia, in fact. He is stocky and strong, a little bit chubby, with short legs and massive feet which face outward. He is clumsy and not athletic at all, but has a lot of strength and loves to play with Ennoia. He also play with Povia often, but gets tired quickly, since Povia mouth is bigger than his head, so there is little to do ;). I kept the name he was given at the shelter, too, although he is Obi-Wan for me (brown and white, good-hearted, positive attitude and pretty quiet, but always ready for action). You can't say he is beautiful to look at, but is incredibly nice and fun, and has a set of attitudes (as he sit down, how he looks at you, how he search for cuddling) that can not steal some smiles.
So, they're my two new joys, even if now I spend a capital for food, veterinary and the like and al the three of them can become quite an hurricane in the moments of maximum activity :)
Before last Christmas, between October and November 2013, I finally decided to give a deeper try to Star Wars: The Old Republic (the MMORPG from Bioware / EA), which I played in its early days, with little enthusiasm.
This time I decided to pull out the 12 euros needed to play "full powered" for a whole month. After createing my human Jedi Guardian with thriving joy, I went into the Galaxy of the Old Republic, loving the experience alot.
Massive amount of quests (many of which quite funny and interesting, though, in the end, they always resolves around the usual take quest - go clik/kill - report), several instances (trying to learn how to tank all those enemies with ranged weapons!) and a lots of hilarious PvP (funny!). All of this without joining a clan, enjoying the freedom to explore the game with my times and some privacy. So, I often used the public chat for help or a talk here and there.
During one of the many breaks, wasting time on the Republican orbital fleet, a bloody discussion on God, religion and similar dangerous arguments exploded in the public chat. After spending a few minutes reading the verbal confrontation, I decided to intrude with a "joke". So I wrote, perhaps in favor of one of the factions, but not on purpose, the following sentence: "I find your lack of faith disturbing"... The result? A sudden shift to general laughter, and a burst of Star Wars quoting by everyone, with the addition of the almost instantaneous dissipation of the controversial discussion (and including a good amount of private messages from amused strangers).
Moral: You can solve most arguments in life with a good and solid Star Wars quote :) . Darth Vader Approves!
When I was a youngling (of well, ok, I still am, somehow!), I spent tons of hours playing & replaying the mythic Lone Wolf saga, by Joe Dever. This long serie of game books covered the adventures of a Master Ramas, moving in a dark fantasy world to save it from Evil and Darkness.
I really loved those stories, and I delved alot in all the game books I was able to recover (there were alot around, besides Lone Wolf, which told fantasy, oriental, post apocalyptic, horror stories: a true boon for my thirst of fiction).
I just discovered that a small Italian editor is publishing this saga from scratch, revisited and "remastered". I must admit I'm heavily tempted to buy these books again, even if I still own the old, original ones.
Anyway, for everyone who can be interested in this new publication, this is the link for a direct buy:
So, I got the chance to read the beta rulebook of this interesting new setting for FATE.
The project is an Italian one, and I don't really know if there will be an English version, but if you can understand my native language, you should definitively have a look at this rpg.
Evolution Pulse is a dark and cruel reality, set in a far future where technology is far beyond our actual standard and where flesh and machinery are now melt together.
A spoon of cyberpunk, mixed in a mug of horror with some drops of mysticism and esotherism, all served on a plate of post-apocalyptic moral sci-fi, make this game a shiny pearl for tastes like mine. Yeah, ok, it don't have lightsabers, but it's cool anyway!
Everything about this game is very inspired: the manual, the graphics, the history, the background, the way it uses FATE mechanics and the adult approach to a reality teared apart by a massive and unbearable change.
Even if I will not be able to play this game easily, it will be a pleasure to support it and buy the final version if it will be released for money.
If you like to deepen your knowledge about Evolution Pulse, Alberto Tronchi is the author, while Evolution Pulse is the Facebook page; you can ask for the beta PDF directly to the author, but only in Italian language ;) (I think, at least...).
After some time, a constant search and a bit of GIMP, I was finally able to put my fan hands on a good map of the Star Wars Galaxy. It seems to be one of the more accurate you can stumble upon. It have a very good resolution of 7025x4967, so it's quite suitable to be printed as a nice poster.
Personally I'm going to make it into a big panel, which will be positioned between a cool Yoda poster and a complete and beautiful Middle Earth map.
I really hope Disney will build an "official" Star Wars map, in the future, and that it will be sold as the ones of many other fiction settings are. For now, I'll just stick on this hand made one.
As usual, may the Force bi with you.
P.S.: Just click on the above thumbnail to reach the full-sized map, stored on GDrive. You'll be able to download the over 9mb JPG file from there.
So, I have a couple of free Beta Codes for the (Europea code I think, not sure if they're valid worldwide). By the way, I'm shocked about how fast the game downloaded and installed on my system: 14GB in about half an hour. PS4 really knows it's job. Meh, if only the internet can always be fast like that...
Anyway, here we go with the codes:
1) 3EAA - 6NND - LJQ7
2) J65Q - NJNA - 3AQA
First to read, first to play ;) . Have fun and just add me to PSN if you like: LoneTear77 .
So yesterday evening I played an RPG for the first time using Hangout as a videochat. The game of choice has been PSI*RUN, a very interesting game which employ few strong mechanics and put more emphasis on the narrative aspect.
The experience has been quite interesting and satisfying, even if I expected a better quality of the videochat service (I employ a powerful internet connection). Still, this tool seems a very strong choice for playing RPGs when you're unable to gather around a table with other guys.
The game itself met my tastes very quickly, as it is very narrative and with a very low mathematic aspect: after years spent on the nastily numerical systems like d20 System or GURPS (even if I still consider GURPS a great game engine), I ended up liking narrative systems like FATE or The One Ring much, much more. The other players has been a very good company, too.
I hope to be able to use this tool very soon to play some Star Wars- themed RPG. Pity my english is not that great, or I could play with foreign people without problems!
So, after a couple of weeks of intense work, I finally ended the first translation of FATE ACCELERATED EDITION, which is now readable in italian language, too. Around half of this book was already translated by another guy, and I just gave it a quick revision, while the other half is all my work.
I think it will require some tweak and arrangement, and must be merged with the work of other guys, before it reach it's final installment, but it is quite satisfying to have such a work done for the most part.
If you're interested in having a look to the actual book, here is the link:
The living room begins to take shape, especially now that I moved the TV, the PC, PS3 and PS4 to it.
Some libraries are starting to be filled, while those which will be removed are slowly emptied.
As you can see, Ennoia has already chosen her future spot in my new accomodation ;)
I admit it's a pleasure to be finally able to place all my stuff in it's deserved place. My RPGs and BoardGame bookshelf is quite filled up, but at last they have their own now!
I finally started to move into my new home, which is my old house, actually! In fact, I'm moving into what has been my home from the age of 15 to the one of 28, until I decided to take a small apartment on my own.
It is a three-story house (basement + garage, room + kitchen, sleeping floor). Whay too big for me, but I'm going to manage the space the best I can.
Some time ago we did a renovation, transforming the old garage into a free space, used by my mother as laundry, ironing and other similar activities, adding another underground large room as new garage.
I've always loved this basement room used by my mother, thinking that it could become a beautiful "mini", or, at least, a very suitable living room to be decorated according to my nerdy passions ;)!
After many years I can finally turn this place like I always wanted, and I started just in the last few days: In the photos the current work in progress.
This month I started working at a wonderful project, which I sincerely hope will be successful. This project concerns the Italian translation of FATE Core. FATE is a very interesting free RPG based on the FUDGE system, which aims to allow a group of players to create their game together, through a narrative collaboration that allows the group to build the setting, the characters, the theme, the mood, the powers and all those aspects of an RPG which are usually preset, the way they like most.
It is therefore a product different from usual, which encourages players to shape every aspect of the game to their liking, instead of providing tomes of rules, data and statistics about something already settled.
The collaboration began by chance, after reading an interview with Nicola Urbinati, project manager, on an Italian site dedicated to the world of RPGs. In this interview Nicola raised the possibility to participate in the publishing future of the Italian version of FATE. So I decided to write to him, proposing to help with the translation. It was quickly decided to give me the job of translation revisionist. My work is to smooth the original translation, in an attempt to make it more enjoyable to read. I hope to do a good job!
This is a stimulating and interesting experience, but unfortunately, having another job, I will be forced to proceed slowly.
After all, let's face it: who among those who truly love RPGs does not dream of seeing their name printed among those of the staff responsible for the publication of a manual?!? I really hope this will happens to me thanks to this opportunity !