Friday 27 September 2019

Warcry Total Conversions: Middenheimers, Dwarves and Skavens!

    Games Workshop finally released a skirmish-based fantasy game, named Warcry. The game is still young (when this post is created), but interesting and pretty quick, brutal and fun to play.

    But a review of this game is not the purpose of this article, as here I want to focus on "total conversions" (often addressed wrongly as "proxy").

    The purpose of a total conversion is to allow players to use their favourite miniatures in place of others when there are no "official" available rules for those models: you will basically use the miniatures you prefer with the profiles of others. Nothing wrong on that, as long as you follow few rules:

    - Doing a total conversion can be easy and fun, but what is more difficult is to avoid gaining an advantage because of the models you use. You can't pretend a goblin to represent a giant, right? Some common sense is needed here, and you always should try to respect the general size of the original model.

    - A total conversion can be widely accepted among your friends, and even in many events, but you should always ask first if you can use it. If your opponent or the organization says no, you must avoid bringing a total conversion and use the original models or another army/band.

    That said, I'd like to share a bunch of Warcry fighter cards I modded to be able to play factions I really like but that aren't available in the game so far. All the data you'll find in these cards are official: nothing is created from scratch; they are just a reskin of the original cards (which is indicated under the miniature picture for reference).

    So, here we go:

     1) Middenheimer Mercenaries [Bonesplitterz "reskin"]


     2) Dwarves [Ironjawz "reskin"]

     3) Skaven [Cypher Lords "reskin"]

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Kill Team: Inquisizione [Fan Made]

    Kill Team, il recente gioco di schermaglie della Games Workshop mi ha decisamente preso, tanto da aver già collezionato praticamente tutte le fazioni disponibili.

    Quando posso una partitina non me la toglie nessuno, ma devo ammettere che, nel complesso, il lavoro fatto su questo ennesimo prodotto GW è quantomeno claudicante.

    Come spesso accade nei prodotti della casa inglese, i problemi di bilanciamento e di coerenza tra i modelli che si troveranno a combattere sul campo di battaglia sono molto grossi.

    Da sempre, trovo divertente e stimolante la creazione di materiale "Fan Made" (o House Rules che dir si voglia), e trovo che i giochi della GW si prestino moltissimo a questa attività, sia per cercare di mettere un tampone a quelle che sono le falle dei loro sistemi (perlomeno secondo la percezione mia e di chi gioca con me), sia per aggiungere ciò che manca, in attesa dell'eventuale edizione ufficiale.

    Una delle mie fazioni preferite da sempre, in Warhammer 40000, è l' Inquisizione, per cui ancora non esiste un Kill Team ufficiale; per questo motivo ho deciso di crearne uno io, cercando di bilanciarlo più possibile ed ispirandomi alla regole più recenti già esistenti sull' Index Imperium 2. Qui di seguito trovate il link al PDF di quanto ho creato finora. Sperando sia un lavoro decente, chiunque voglia provarlo è libero di farlo e, se trova il tempo, è calorosamente invitato a mandarmi impressioni ed idee su come migliorare e bilanciare il Kill Team.

Kill Team: Inquisizione [PDF] <

Wednesday 23 January 2019

Battaglia per Dazar'alor: Tattiche

Ecco i link diretti ai PDF delle tattiche per i nuovi boss, cortesia del nostro capogilda Broxi!

1) Campioni della Luce;
2) Grong;
3) Maestri Giada Fulgida;
4) Opulenza;
5) Conclave dei Prescelti;


Wednesday 10 October 2018

Kill Team Universal and Faction Tactics Cards

    A long time ago I was an hardcore Warhammer 40000 gamer.
In time I left the hobby, mostly because of Games Workshop policy on making core rules and codex obsolete every two-three years or so: being forced to completely change my armies, or to wait months before my codex became available after a new ruleset rotation, made me really mad about this game.

    Still I love the 40K flavor like hell, as it's probably my very favourite fiction setting: because of this I kept an eye on it from time to time.

    A couple of months ago, Games Workshop finally realeased a full-fledged skirmish game set in the Warhammer 40000 universe, called "Kill Team", that allows players to fight with a maximum of 20 model per side. This is the best way to play miniatures games, for me: I don't actually have the time or the will to get cought in a classic WH40K gaming experience, both for the time a match requires, and for the amount of sheer material you're forced to use to play it. GW did various attempt to expansions or specific rules to play with a bunch of miniatures instead of entire armies, in past times, but none of them met great success or received a great support. Now we finally have an official, complete and supported game to play with. Great new.

    So I threw myself headlong into this new game, already collecting various factions and playing matches every time I can.

    One of the new entry you can find in the last Warhammer 40000 core rules is about "tactics": these are simple cards that allows you to do various actions by spending a currency called Command Points, gathered during a match. There are several tactics, extremely varied in purpose and effects, from a simple dice re-roll, to additional moves or attack phases and so on. Kill Team core rulebook offers a bunch of these tactics, but other, pretty strong ones, are scattered among various GW's products, often packed with useless material apart from these Tactics cards (additional scenery or miniatures, unnecessary to who, like me, already collected what he needs). So, I decided to gather all Kill Team tactics in this blog post, updating it when new ones are released. I'm not exatly sure how legal this is, but as long as I'm not forced to remove these files from public release, you can find them here.

    It's a collection of printable PDF file, already formatted as Tactic Cards instead of a simple list. The size of this cards is similar to Magic cards, so they fit a "standard" protective sleeve, if you own some. I suggest to print these files in colour and on some kind of heavy cardboard, in order to increase their resilience. Another good option is to plastify them.

    Please feel free to contact me if you find any error on these cards, so I can fix them as soon as possible. They are far from being beautiful for the eye, as I'm not good with graphic stuff, but they do the job.

    I wish to thank the creator of the original list of all tactics I used as a base to develope the following files; I won't make his name public to not jeopardize his work, but you perhaps already now who I'm talking about.

    Tactics Cards [click on faction name to open/download file]:

- Adeptus Astartes
- Adeptus Mechanicus
- Astra Militarum
- Asuryani
- Death Guard
- Deathwatch
- Drukhari
- Elucidian Starstriders
- Gellerpox Infected
- Genestealer Cults
- Grey Knights
- Harlequins
- Heretic Astartes
- Necrons
- Orks
- T'au Empire
- Thousand Sons
- Tyranids
- Universal

Have fun and remember: kill the alien, burn the heretic, purge the unclean.

The Emperor protects.

Friday 6 October 2017

Blade Runner 2049 - Mini recensione!

Blade Runner 2049: Un' opera senza un'anima sua, ma che combatte con zanne ed artigli per crearsene una. Un'epopea di quasi tre ore, capace però di tenerti attaccato alla poltrona del cinema grazie ad un'ottima regia ed un'impatto visivo strepitoso: 2 ore e 43 minuti senza farti sentire tempi morti rappresentano un ottimo lavoro, a prescindere dal gusto personale.
Un film dentro ad un altro film: l'intrigante storia di un "agente" che impara a sognare qualcosa di meglio di una vita grigia e virtuale, finisce, suo malgrado, per far parte di qualcosa di più grande: di un'eredità importante, chiamata Blade Runner di Ridley Scott, che si trascina in questo "seguito" in modo forse un po' forzato e, per quanto mi riguarda, non certo magistrale; nonostante il collegamento con l'opera di Scott sia un ottimo casus belli, lasciare Deckard Ford, e con lui tutto il capitolo precedente, un po' piu' fuori dei giochi, avrebbe forse giovato a quella ricerca di un'anima cui accennavo all' inizio.
Ryan Gosling offre una buona prestazione, salvato in corner da una parte che non ha certo richiesto un Oscar per l'espressività: adatto.
Un Jared Leto erede di Eldon Tyrell, al limite della visionarietà completamente folle, per me non riesce a lasciare il segno, perdendosi in deliri al limite del religioso, lasciando un retrogusto di finto filosofeggiare; troppo distante dalla gretta, pratica e spietata operosità delle corporazioni della pellicola dell'82.
La fotografia del film, e tutto il reparto visivo sono al limite del perfetto: il mondo immaginato da Scott ne esce rafforzato, arricchito e tutt'altro che umiliato; l'uggiosa oscurità di un futuro tetro e deprimente ci seguono per buona parte del film, cambiando tonalità e luce forse proprio là dove il film si discosta di più dal predecessore. L'aspetto stesso della tecnologia è stato rispettato quasi maniacalmente, con piccole aggiunte e modifiche che non snaturano affatto l' originale.
Discorso più dolente per il commento sonoro: il tentativo di restare troppo legati alla magistrale musica di Vangelis non riesce a pieno, snaturando sonorità uniche con aggiunte poco appropriate: sarebbe forse stato meglio affidarsi al compositore originale o, magari, cercare qualcosa di più unico, personale e nuovo: un'anima propria, appunto.
Stranamente apprezzata la sorpresa di un canuto Bautista, protagonista dell' avvio della pellicola.
Nel complesso, quindi, un film piuttosto buono, ben costruito e piacevole, soprattutto se lo guardiamo come opera fine a sé stessa, apprezzando l'ottima regia di un Villeneuve che convince (dovrò guardarmi qualche altra sua opera), senza soffermarci troppo a paragonarlo ad un papà importante, troppo importante, troppo più romantico e poetico e che resterà per sempre là in cima, tra le pellicole più importanti della storia del cinema.
Voto 3.5/5 (e io sono di manica stretta)

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Sun, Garden, and The Witcher 3 on remote play!

    Being able to play outside, in the garden, when the sun is high and the temperature is hot, with a frozen beer at my side, always intrigued me.

    First reason is that this way I can enjoy a bit of the "outside" people always talk about, leaving my Hobbit Hole for some time.

    Second reason are my dogs, who can enjoy the garden more than they usually do, while I can still devote myself to my favorite hobby.

    So, during this sunny week end, I brought out the "solution" described in my previous post "PS4 and PlaystationTV marry Power Line Adapters", as shown in the attached photo.

    A very long extension cord provided energy to the whole thing, and the remote play on PS4, through the PlaystationTV, worked perfectly, with only some very minor connection drops.

    Sunlight is a major issue, because it strongly limit visibility. Still, increasing both game and TV brightness, make the game playable. I'll try to find a solution to this, even if I already know there aren't that many: anti-reflection film for PC and other device can perhaps better the experience, so I'll try out one of them.

    The Witcher 3 is a great game for remote play, as it doesn't need an incredible precision in controls: differently from Wolfenstein: The Old Blood, I found the play experience to be almost like I was playing directly on PS4.

    Speaking of this, this title is very attractive, big, and masterfully directed. Still, I must admit it has a bunch of things I strongly dislike:

    - Controls: Let's face it, the "action" side of this game is pretty sick. Controls, movements, attacks and the like are clumsy, woody and inaccurate at best. CD Projekt RED clearly haven't improved this side of their development skill, as both The Witcher 1 and 2 had the same problem!

    - Fast Travel: I think the sign posts system is a bit annoying; being forced to reach one of them to use the fast travel is just a waste of time. The ability to open up world map and directly select a destination sign post would, imho, improve exploration.

    - Food: Food heals so few it hurts, and you're forced to bring tons of them with you, if you want to rely on it. I strongly dislike this (going around with 50 meat chunks, 60 hives etc etc just sound wrong to me). I think it would be better to have the food heal more, perhaps over longer times, in order to limit the carriage. I understand the developers want perhaps to force the player into using alchemy, but still food works bad for my taste.

    - Quick Items Slots: Dunnow if later in the game you gain more, but the two item slot I can use so far is a bit limited. 2 potions or 2 kind of food (or a mix of the two) is not very much. Something like four slot would be probably more enjoyable.

    The game is still a precious gem, and one of the best titles for PS4 so far, but my vote for it is around 8/10, perhaps 8.5/10, mostly because it's pure gameplay aspect is definitely clunky.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Valhalla Knights 3: Skill Master List!

    A couple of weeks ago, Valhalla Knights 3 was on discount on PlayStation Store, for the great price of €4,99 (A joke). Even if I knew this is not the best game ever, I decided to buy it, as the price was luring enough. And now I'm here, playing it here and there on my PSVita.

    As a niche game, it is not easy to find english help for this title, apart from something on boards. There is much more material in japanese, where the game met more interest.

    This is why I decided to create a post here and there about this game, with interesting info I'm struggling to find on the internet.

    By the way, I'm liking this title alot, to be honest, as a relaxed game to carry around; moreover it's great on PlaystationTV, too. Pity for the loading times, that are quite annoying.

    So, first post is a list of all Skill Master available for this game; Skill Master are "secret" skills that unlocks for a character when you learn all the skills of a specific profession.

SBP Needed: 4590.
Name: Prisoner 25601.
Effect: Make it possible to equip every weapon (except firearms).

SBP Needed: 3760.
Name: Challenger.
Effect:  Increase HP+500 and P. DEF+100.

SBP Needed: 3150.
Name: Great Magician.
Effect: Increase SP+500 and M. ATK+100.

SBP Needed: 2500.
Name: Holy Servant.
Effect:  Increase SP+500 and M. DEF+100.

SBP Needed: 2230.
Name: Thief King.
Effect:  Increase HP+1000 and SP+500.

SBP Needed: 4135.
Name: Unleashed.
Effect:  Increase HP+500 and STRK+100.

SBP Needed: 3265.
Name: Sharpshooter.
Effect:  Increase HP+500 and SHOT+100.

SBP Needed: 3185.
Name: Mercenary.
Effect:  Increase P. DEF+150.

SBP Needed: 3850
Name: Swordsman.
Effect:  Increase HP+1500.

SBP Needed: 1645.
Name: Shinobi.
Effect:  Increase SP+1500.

SBP Needed: 3450.
Name: Archmage.
Effect:  Increase M. ATK+150.

SBP Needed: 3920.
Name: Great Fortune.
Effect: Receives 15% discount on all items at the item shops.

SBP Needed: 1410.
Name: Warrior Queen.
Effect:  Increase SHOT+150.

SBP Needed: ???.
Name: Ultimate Gizmo.
Effect:  Increase all stats.

Bunny Girl
SP Needed: 1950.
Name: Paramour.
Effect: Uses love to get bonuses.

    I hope the SBP Needed voice is correct. All these info are based on what I found over the Net AND from personal experience.

    I'm going to build a collection of game maps, and place them in another post like this!

    Good game everyone!

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood - Platinum n° 52

    Wolfenstein: The Old Blood, prequel to Wolfenstein: The New Order is my platinum n° 52.

    - Game: 8/10
    - Fun: 8/10
    - Platinum: 4/10

    This game is a well rounded single-player FPS with a good price, nice graphics, ok-but-not-striking story, great and various gameplay and fun B.J. Blazkowicz moments, especially if you're a Wolfenstein's serie fan since it's first episode in far 1992 ;) .

    The game is fun even at highest difficulty, as it's not so unforgiving if you're an FPS veteran; Moreover, if you adopt a stealth approach, you can skip alot of fights. Sure there are some quite hard fights, but nothing insurmountable.

    Platinum is fast to gain and quite easy. As mentioned the game itself is not that hard, and most trophies just come naturally or just need a bit of farming. Challenges are the true hard part, but after some tries you should be able to get the grip on them. As a general advice, remember that enemies can't clim ladders (not stairs: ladders): exploiting this AI limit can easy up your life alot, trust me ;).

    It took me around 14 hours to plat this game, without using any kind of guide and playing it at maximum difficulty on first run.

    If you don't apply last patches, there even is a glitch that allows you to play all the game on "Can I play Daddy" difficulty and just replay last chapter in "I Am the Death Incarnate" to gain ALL difficulty based trophies (Hero, Super Hero, Uber Hero).

    The game is quite easy to platinum without using guides and such, but if you need any help, here is a good forum where you can find it:

    I started The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt two days ago; I already checked the trophies list, and I don't think I'll go for the platinum for this title, but I'll play it deeply for sure, as it seems huge, fun, addictive and very well polished, even if the action side of the title (read: combat), is ok but not great at all. Still, game's direction is wonderful.

    P.S.: The digital version of Wolfenstein: The Old Blood has been released on 5/5/2015, which is the 23rd birthday date of Wolfenstein 3D.

Saturday 23 May 2015

PS4 and PlaystationTV marry Power Line Adapters

    This week I decided to buy PlaystationTV, mostly because I was tempted by the possibility to play PSVita titles on the big screen. As soon as the small but powerful console was delivered, I attached it to my 42" plasma, realising that the TV was way too big for the PSVita games, as the graphics really appeared awkward and heavily pixeled.

    Not that great problem, to be honest, as graphics is not the most important part of most the titles I play on the PSVita, but still it was a bit unsatisfying.

    So, in a rush of impulse, I decided to change the initial purpose of the PlaystationTV i buyed, transforming it in a secondary gaming location, basically installed on the bedroom, but easily movable to every place of the house I like.

    Now, the main problem was the router and the Wi-Fi range: my main "gaming" room is located in the basemend (really fresh during the hottest months of the year), with all my books, comics, action figures etc. etc., and with the router too, which is located very near to PS4, PC etc. The signal of my little guy has proved to be pretty strong, even if basement's walls are thick and heavy, but not enough to provide a stable and powerful enough connection for the remote play.

    I considered various solutions for this problem, such as moving the router or buying Range Extenders, but the first did not work very well, and I was not very sure about the latter (i'm pretty new to all this stuff).

     I turned to a local computer shop for an help, and the guy suggested me to try out Power Line Adapter, an ingenious invention that throw your internet signal on the electric wires, allowing it to reach places quite far from the router, as long as the target electric socket is under the same switch of the one where the router's Power Line is attached to. This kind of technology is pretty old, in truth, but today's devices are much more reliable and powerful than the old ones. This is perhaps the best way to extend internet coverage in your house, even if it is not free from issues; the one I was more afraid of was that it's suggested to attach the Power Line adapter directly to an electric socket (i.e.: not to a power strip), in order to avoid interferences from other devices on the same socket: doing this was pretty impossible for me as sockets in the house are all single.

    But the issue proved to be inexistent: after installing the Power Line adapters (an incredibly simple process), I turned up the PlaystationTV, eager to see the results, and they were amazing: remote play work very well with both streaming options set to "High", even if the PS4 is still under Wi-Fi connection. Sure, the game is not as smooth as if it is played on the original console (the gameplay feels somehow "gummy", if you get what I mean), but it still works excellently. I'm trying the remote play with Wolfenstein: The Old Blood, and it's very playable, even if you lack a bit of precision and finesse in controls; with a different genre of game, the results can perhaps be better, as FPSs in general require a greater degree of precisione compared to other kinds.

    To complete my new gaming location, I buyed a relatively economic Telefunken TV: 24" and HD Ready are enough to take advantage of PlaystationTV. I meant to spend even fewer euros on it, but this one was the less expensive I founded at the local store.

    So, in the end, here is what this "whim" costed:
    - PlaystationTV (discounted): €59,99;
    - Controller Dualshock 4 (discounted): €59,99;
    - Telefunken Tv Led 24"' Te24275B31T10E: €168,00;
    - AV500 Nano Powerline Adapter Starter Kit (TL-PA4010KIT): €65,00
    Total: €352,98

    Not an inexpensive solution, but hey, still less than buying another PS4 + another TV!

    Next step will be to try bringing all this outside, in the garden. The sun's reflexes will probably make it impossible to see the TV screen well enough to play, but I want to give it a try, as playing outside, during spring/summer, would be fantastic.

    Oh, ok, I'm an extreme Gamer, I know! As always: good game everyone.

Friday 8 May 2015

Dark Souls 2: SotFS Platinum!

    Ahhh, so, after around 150 hours, I finally earned Dak Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin Platinum!

    I haven't rushed this Platinum, as I explored the game very deeply before completing the trophy list, reaching level 709 and gathering around 98% of all the equipment and spells available (I actually miss 11 "objects", between spells, weapons, armor, rings and shields).

    It's my plat n° 48. Not that many, but I'm proud of all of them ^_^ .

    This one has been a long, but not so difficult, Platinum. The game itself is hard and unforgiving, but once you get the grip of how it works and how you should approach exploration and combat, everything goes much smoother. And you can always farm a bit to make your character more powerful but, most important thing in my opinion, more versatile: being an huber melee fighter with some backup healing spells, the ultra-useful Repair or some ranged magical attack can prove to be quite helpful.

    Still it can be difficult to earn this Plat without a guide,  as some of the trophyes are tricky to obtain, if you don't know exactly what to do. For this reason, I strongly suggest to have a look at this guide: Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin Trophy Guide and Roadmap, at least to know what you'll be facing.

    And now, let's start Final Fantasy Type-0, at least until I don't receive my physical copy of Wolfenstein: The Old Blood *__*!!